
How Dancing Helps to Relieve Stress

We prefer to start this post by giving you a life hack. If you’re feeling lazy to go on long walks as exercise, you can choose to stay in your living room, play your favorite dance music album and shake those calories away. According to Amit Kalantri, your mind, legs, and body will naturally give in to dancing as it considers dancing a rather fun activity. This is one of the many ways dancing helps to relieve stress.

‘The job of the feet is walking, but their hobby is dancing’–Amit Kalantri.

Not to get too philosophical, but we all know dance is the hidden language of the soul. Your hips, limbs, head are all moving in harmony, and your mind is in agreement, freeing your soul of all bad energy. If we continue describing how we feel about dance, we will have to make that into books, so let’s focus on why we’re here. Enjoy our findings on how dancing helps to relieve stress.

5 Ways Dancing Can Help To relieve stress

Build new connections and strengthen old friendships

You may want to make friends but feel like you don’t have anything in common with people. Well, who says so? Do you want to dance, or do you love to dance? This is something you can connect with people on. Join a dance class or group, talk about Dance, live Dance and find how dance brings new connections your way. Dancing may be fun but dancing with friends is much better. This helps to strengthen bonds and release feel-good hormones that stress cannot stand.

Increases Productivity and boosts your mood

As mentioned earlier, dancing can become a regular workout routine for you. If you’ve had a long day at work, a dance break is a great way to relax. After relaxing, you can pick up at great speed again. This will help keep your emotions in check as your body lets out endorphins that keep you happy.

Avenue to express your creativity

As much as dancing is a form of exercise, it is also an art. If you are passionate about dance, you must have many ideas about dance routines, choreographies, or even new dance steps. Let all these ideas out, free your soul, and you will be surprised at how much innovation you may bring about. If you don’t know where to find new ideas, YouTube is your hub of all shows, just like is your go-to for where to find the best online casinos. 

Calms your joints

Dancing is therapeutic. Maybe your muscles and joints are already aching from staying in one position for too long, whether sitting, standing, or lying. However, this stiffness or ache has got nothing on a good shake-up. Get dancing, swinging your hips, hands, legs, waist, and let the energy spread through your body. This simple exercise will soot your joints and even give more strength to your muscles.

Enjoy Fitness and Better Physical Health

Overall, every activity in dance leads to the point of making you physically fit and living your best life. It helps to improve your mental strength, and the constant exercise keeps your weight in check or can even help you lose some. Don’t hold back on trying new dances. Some dance routines like Zumba, jazz, tango, salsa, and hip-hop are good energy routines that have proven effective for weight loss.  


Our final words will be pointing out that dance seems like an invention, an art that was deliberately designed to help us live a satisfying life. If you’ve connected with dance, then you have a passion for life and can make anything out of it. Whether you’re a professional dancer or you dance to have fun and relax, be assured that dance is out to make life better for you.

Here are a couple of quotes about dance to keep you inspired. 

‘Dance, when you’re broken open. Dance if you’ve torn the bandage off. Dance in the middle of the fighting. Dance when you’re perfectly free’ –Jalaluddin Rumi

‘Any kind of dancing is better than no dancing at all’ – Lynda Barr.

On this note, we refer to the words of Lydia Barr and ask you not to overthink it. Just dance!

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About School

The Bellydance Superstars dance school was established in 2015.
“Bellydance Superstars” is a big friendly family, where each new student complements and strengthens the whole.